National Association for Multicultural Education Logo

Advancing and Advocating for Social Justice & Equity

Carl Grant Research Award

An Award will be given to an individual or group that has made a significant contribution to advancing our knowledge of multicultural education through research.


Two awards may be given; one for a person from the area where our national conference is held, and one from any other location.


An educator may be nominated for this NAME Award if he or she meets the following eligibility criteria:

A)        Long term, scholarly commitment to multicultural education,

B)        A multicultural theoretical framework with an established chain of inquiry,

  1.       The research addresses multiple facets of diversity,
  2.       Investigates complex issues in novels ways that lead to deeper 

             understanding of the manner in which multicultural issues manifest

             themselves in schools and society,

  1.       Established publication record,
  2.       Established record of sharing research results with colleagues in   

             professional forums,

  1.       Break new ground in our thinking about multicultural issues.

Recent Carl Grant Multicultural Research Award Winners

2013 Award Winner
Thomas M. Philip

Thomas M. Philip is on the faculty of the Urban Schooling Division, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA.

Thomas’s scholarship leverages theoretical and methodological approaches from the learning sciences to explore questions of ideology.  His research focuses on how teachers understand the purpose and nature of their work within a society stratified by power, particularly how they make sense of race, racism, and racial justice.  Thomas has made significant contributions to the field by nuancing the affordances and limitations in programs of teacher education that shape prospective teachers’ understandings of teaching for equity and social justice.  His work also explores the unique strengths, needs, and trajectories of teachers of color.  A second strand in Thomas’s research focuses on the ideological contexts that shape the work of teachers and how these contexts enable and constrain teachers’ ability to engage in social-justice oriented work. Through this strand of research, Thomas teases apart common assumptions about new digital technologies as a motivator for learning in schools, the troubling intersection of these assumptions with market-based solutions for school-reform, and the real and significant effects of these assumptions on the work of teachers.  Thomas’s scholarship has appeared in journals such as Harvard Educational Review, Cognition and Instruction, Journal of Teacher Education, and Educational Policy.

2012 Winner

Lamont A. Flowers
Clemson University

Lamont Flowers possesses an academic track record and a sincere motivation to ensure the success of all Americans in the educational settings that warrant recognition.  He has conducted extensive research on issues impacting African Americans in education, student retention, access and equity, educational attainment, educational policy, and academic achievement.  He has written over 80 scholarly publications that have appeared in more than 30 different professional journals.  The value of Dr. Flowers’ research to education is further supported by court decisions related to diversity, such as Grutter v. Bollinger.  He is clearly dedicated to producing high-level scholarship and research on diversity issues in education and the Black experience in education.

2011 Winner

Cornel Pewewardy
Portland State University

Currently Chair of Indigenous Nations Studies at PSU, Mr. Pewewardy (Comanche/Kiowa) is also a writer, lecturer, performing artist and a NAME Founder. Drawing from his broad experience spanning p-12 and higher education, his scholarly activities have focused on Praxis in Indigenous Studies; Indian mascots and American sports culture; recording, archiving, and transcribing Tribal music and songs; Intertribal Powwows in contemporary society; Critical Race Theory; Tribal Colleges and Universities; holistic education of Indigenous peoples and Indigenous leadership.

2010 Winner

H. Richard Milner IV
Peabody College, Vanderbilt University

H. Richard Milner IV is currently an Associate Professor at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, completed his PhD in 2001 at The Ohio State University. Milner has been a prolific researcher and writer who contributes significantly to the fields of multicultural teacher education and urban education.  He writes from the point of view of an African American scholar who uses qualitative and narrative research methodologies, and whose theoretical framework is largely informed by, and synthesizes, culturally relevant pedagogy and critical race theory. Milner moves concepts that are central to multicultural education forward, often in collaboration with others.  He is interested in exploring ways of diversifying the teaching force to reflect demographic shifts that are happening rapidly in schools. Milner teaches multicultural education coursework in teacher education. His articles address and refute challenges that are often raised today about why multicultural content should be a part of teacher education.  He has written several pieces related to culture, identity and curriculum in order to deepen how educators think about and work with multicultural curriculum. His work links multicultural education with giftedness and with classroom management.  Milner’s work applies culturally relevant pedagogy and critical race theory to examine multiple dimensions of teaching, directly linking his analyses to implications for multicultural education.

2009 Winner

Dr. James L. Moore III

As an undergraduate and graduate student, Dr. Moore actively involved himself with a variety of multicultural-oriented scholarly, instructional, and community projects and received many accolades and citations for his efforts. At  Delaware  University he was a full scholarship football player for five years and was team captain his last year.  He was also the recipient for Delaware State University’s Class of 1995 Outstanding Service award. From 1996 – 1997 he served as the President of the Black Graduate Student Organization of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.   Dr. Moore has been featured in many publications and won an array of awards for his work as a scholar, researcher, instructor, administrator and mentor.In less than nine years, Dr. Moore has accomplished and had more impact in the fields of school counseling, urban education, gifted education, higher education , and multicultural counseling/education than those who have been in these fields for 15 years or more.

2008 Winner

Past Winners
1994 – Christine E. Sleeter
1995 – Gloria Ladson-Billings
1996 – American Association of University Women
1998 – Jeannie Oakes
1999 – Luis Moll
2001 – Robert Carter
2004 – Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Boston College
2005 – Lois Merriweather Moore, University of San Francisco
2007 – Aretha F. Marbley, Texas Tech University