National Association for Multicultural Education Logo

Advancing and Advocating for Social Justice & Equity

NAME's Position Statements
For questions or submissions, please contact:

NAME Statement Opposing Virginia's Restoration of Confederate Names
Download NAME Statement Opposing the Restoration of Confederate Names

NAME Statement on National Week of Action Against School Push-Out
Download NAME Statement on Action Against School Push-Out

NAME Statement on Jacksonville FL Shootings
Download NAME Statement on Jacksonville FL

NAME Statement on Culture War Attacks on DEI & CRT
Download NAME Statement on Culture War Attacks on DEI & CRT

NAME Statement on Voting in Midterm Election 
Download NAME Statement on Voting

NAME Statement on Appointment of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown
Download NAME Statement on Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown

NAME Statement on Supreme Court Reversal of Roe v. Wade
Download NAME Statement on Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade

NAME Statement on Critical Race Theory
Download NAME Statement on CRT

NAME Statement on Robb Elementary School  Shooting
Download NAME Statement on Robb Elementary School Massacre

NAME Statement racism in response to the incident at Oklahoma University. March 9, 2015
Download NAME-2015_OU_Statement_on_racism.pdf

 NAME Position Paper in Support of Ethnic Studies in LAUSD
Download NAME_LAUSD_Ethnic_Studies_Statement

NAME Position Paper on AZ Anti-Gay Bill
Download NAME Position on AZ Anti-Gay Bill

NAME Position Paper on edTPA
Download NAME Position 2014 edTPA

NAME Position Paper on Anti-Immigration Policies
Download NAME Position 2011 Anti-immigration Laws

NAME Position Paper on
The Attack on Public Education: Back to the Future?
Download NAME Position 2011 Attack on Public Ed

NAME Press Release: Urging Support for Seattle PS Bilingual Immigrant Programs
DOWNLOAD Press release, Seattle immigrant students

NAME Position Paper: Critical of AZ's Education Policy
DOWNLOAD Press release, Arizona ethnic studies

Resolution on Environmental Racism: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on Affirmative Action: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on September 11th as a National Day of Interfaith, Intercultural, and International Dialogue: HTML or Word Download

Resolution for Peace: HTML or Word Download

Definition of Multicultural Education: Word Define MCE

Criteria for Evaluating State Curriculum Standards: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on the Digital Divide: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on Standardized and State Mandated Testing: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on Teacher Testing: HTML or Word Download

Resolution Re-affirming Social Justice and Equity Work:  Word Download

Resolution on Heterosexism: HTML or Word Download

Resolution on Recommending Replacement of Indian Mascots: PDF or Word Download

Click for more about NAME's policy statement process 
More INFO on Policy Statements