Multicultural Perspectives is the official journal of NAME.
Since 1993 the NAME has published a quarterly journal, Multicultural Perspectives. Penny Lisi served at as the editor of the NAME journal from January 1998 through January 2018. NAME will always be appreciative for Penny's leadership and long service to NAME and the Multicultural Perspectives.
The journal is now edited by Kevin Roxas and Alyssa Hadley Dunn, along with members of the Editorial Committee. Each edition of Multicultural Perspectives includes feature articles, reviews, program descriptions, reviews by and for multicultural educators and activists around the world. NAME members receive the journal as part of their membership.
All current members have digital access to the journal in the Members area of the NAME website.
The Editors of Multicultural Perspectives
Kevin C. Roxas, Ph.D.
Editor, Multicultural Perspectives and
Woodring College of Education
Western Washington University

Alyssa Hadley Dunn, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Editor, Multicultural Perspectives
Associate Professor & Director of Teacher Education
University of Connecticut
College of Education

Writing for Multicultural Perspectives
We are interested in input from a variety of sources in the U.S.A. and beyond, and welcome articles about promising practices in K-12 and higher education settings, museums, governmental organizations, private sector organizations, etc. If you are interested in writing for the journal, please read the following instructions. If you have questions, contact the editors for more information.
WRITING for Multicultural Perspectives
Features in Multicultural Perspectives include:
- Advancing the Conversation
- Media, Technology & Multicultural Education
- Creating Multicultural Classrooms
- Personal Perspectives
- Reviews of Literature
- Reviews of Films
- Guide to New Resources
Contact Editor: Kevin Roxas
with questions about Advancing the Conversation and most other submission questions/
Contact Senior Associate Editor:
Alyssa Hadley Dunn
with questions about Creating the Multicultural Classroom and Personal Perspectives/
Contact the NAME Office with journal subscription or