The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) was founded in 1990 to bring together individuals from all academic levels and disciplines and from diverse educational institutions, and other organizations, occupations and communities who had an interest in multicultural education. NAME is committed to a philosophy of inclusion that embraces the basic tenets of democracy and cultural pluralism.
NAME celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity as a national strength that enriches a society and rejects the view that diversity threatens the fabric of a society. NAME believes that multicultural education promotes equity for all regardless of culture, ethnicity, race, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, belief system or exceptionality. NAME believes that multicultural education enables the individual to believe in one's own intrinsic worth and culture, to transcend monoculturalism and, ultimately, to become multicultural. This developmental process is at the center of the individual's quest to define one's relationship and responsibility to our global society. NAME recognizes that individuals have not always been and perhaps never will be in complete agreement regarding the definitions and goals of multicultural education - and that continuing debate is healthy.

Rose Duhon-Sells
NAME Founder and First President
Southern University of New Orleans

G. Pritchy Smith
First Vice-President of NAME
University of North Florida

H. Prentice Baptiste, Jr.
New Mexico State University
James E. Anderson
University of Houston

Lesley McAvoy Baptiste
Houston Public Schools
Samuel H. Bolden

James B. Boyer
Kansas State University
Charlotte R. Bell
California State University at San Marcos

Glenn A. Doston
Ohio University

Cherry Ross Gooden
Texas Southern University
John Hendricks
Alcorn State University
John Hendricks passed away in 2004.

Tonya Huber
St. Cloud State University

Marjorie Kyle
Mesa Community College

Alfread G. Mouton
Dr. Mouton passed away in July, 2004
Cornel Pewewardy
Portland State University

Isaiah Sessoms
Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Samuel E. Spaght
Wichita Public Schools
Dr. Spaght passed away in May, 2000.

Porter Lee Troutman, Jr.
University of Nevada at Las Vegas

Doris C. Vaughn
Alabama A & M University
Dr. Vaughn passed away in 1999.
Maureen Vanterpool
Miami University
Past Presidents of NAME

Rose Duhon-Sells
Southern University of New Orleans
NAME Founder
President, 1990-1994

Carl A. Grant
University of Wisconsin, Madison
President, 1994-1999
Donna M. Gollnick
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
President, 1999-2001

William A. Howe
Connecticut State Department of Education
President, 2001-2003
Theresa Montaño
Cal State University Northridge
President, 2003-2005
Tasha Lebow
University of Michigan-Programs for Educational Opportunity
President, 2005-2007
Deborah Johnson Jones
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
President, 2007-2009

Cherry Ross Gooden
Texas Southern University
President, 2009-2010

Christine Sleeter
Professor Emerita
Cal State University-Monterey Bay
President, 2010-2012

Kevin Kumashiro
University of San Francisco
President, 2012-2014
Francisco Rios
Western Washington University
President, 2014-2016

H. Prentice Baptiste, Jr.
New Mexico State University
President, 2016-2018

Ann Lopez
University of Toronto
President, 2018-2020
Lisa Zagumny
Tennesee Tech University
President, 2020-2023