NAME's annual conference is held each fall - late October to mid-November. Here is a summary of previous national NAME conferences over the last 25 years.
1. 1991 in New Orleans: Toward Education That is Multicultural 2. 1992 in Orlando: Multicultural Education for the Twenty-First Century 3. 1993 in Los Angeles: Creating Connections: United We Make A Difference 4. 1994 in Detroit: Facing the Challenges of Cultural Pluralism and Diversity: A Clarion Call for Unique Opportunities in the 21st Century 5. 1995 in Washington, D.C.: Multiculturalism: Our Common Responsibility in Educational Practices and Social Challenges 6. 1996 in St. Paul: Revitalizing Democracy through Multicultural Education 7. 1997 in Albuquerque: Daring to Educate for Equity and Excellence: A Multicultural and Bilingual Mandate for the 21st Century 8. 1998 in St. Louis: Creative Partnerships: Gateway to Embracing Diversity and Multiculturalism 9. 1999 in San Diego: Multicultural Education: Crossing Borders for Equity and Justice 10. 2000 in Orlando: Real Magic: The Realization of Multicultural Education in the Everyday 11. 2001 in Las Vegas: High Stakes: Achievement, Assessment, and Advocacy through Multicultural Education 12. 2002 in Washington, D.C.: We the People: Fulfilling the Promise of Democracy and Equity through Multicultural Education 13. 2003 in Seattle, Washington: From Rhetoric to Reality: Student Achievement in Multicultural Societies 14. 2004 in Kansas City, MO: Unmasking the Legacy of the Brown Decisions Through Multicultural Education 15. 2005 in Atlanta, GA: Renewing the Dream Through Multicultural Education: Sharing Power, Valuing Culture, and Achieving Social Justice 16. 2006 in Phoenix, AZ: Honoring Multicultural Communities, Stories and Struggles in a Contested Land. 17. 2007 in Baltimore, MD: Charting the Course to Academic Excellence and Equity through Multicultural Education 18. 2008 in New Orleans, LA: Beyond Celebrating Diversity: ReACTivating the Equity and Social Justice Roots of Multicultural Education 19. 2009 in Denver, CO: Mile High Commitment to Change: Reaching New Heights in Equity and Social Justice throughout the Global Community 20. 2010 in Las Vegas NV: Empowering Children & Youth: Equity, Multiculturally Responsive Teaching & Achievement Gaps 21. 2011 in Chicago IL: Reworking Intersections, Reframing Debate, Restoring Hope 22. 2012 in Philadelphia: Erasing the Shadows, Embracing the Light: Re/Visioning Multicultural Education 23. 2013 in Oakland CA: Realizing the Power of Movements through Multicultural Education 24. 2014 in Tucson AZ: Dismantling Fronteras Through Multicultural Education: Con Comunidad, Cariño y Coraje 25. 2015 in New Orleans LA: Past Achievements, Present Successes, Future Aspirations: 25 Years of NAME 26. 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio-- NAME: The Multicultural Lens of Equity for ALL 27. 2017 in Utah -- Reimagining Multicultural Education in Changing Times- 28. 2018 in Memphis TN -- How Many More Until We Rise Up 29. 2019: Tucson AZ – Decolonizing Minds: Forging A New Future Through Multicultural Education 30. 2020 Virtual – Living Multicultural Education: Peace & Justice thru the Ballot Box & Activism 31. 2022 Virtual – Multicultural Education: Light in a Troubled World 32. 2023: Revitalize, Rejuvenate & reinvigorate: Embracing Multicultural Education to Create a More Just, Inclusive & Equitable Tomorrow