There are 10 Simple Steps to Organizing a NAME Chapter
There are good people to help you do it!
Important organizing notes - a state/province/tribe/nation/country can have more than one NAME chapter
OR the state/province/tribe/nation/country can have one chapter and smaller sub-chapters (or networks) in different parts of the state/province/tribe/nation/country.
RE-ACTIVATING NOTE -The process to re-activate ain inactive chapter is exactly the same as organizing a new chapter, except that you should first reach out to to the previous leaders in they are still NAME members.
1. Select an organizing chapter planning committee of local NAME members. Three to five people is an ideal beginning.
2. With the organizing committee, select a working name for your organizing chapter. (This name can be changed later if the chapter elects to do so.)
3. Contact your Regional Director and NAME Executive Director at, with your organizing contact information.You can find your RDs name & contact info, above.
4. Once notified, and basic plans are in place, we will include your organizing chapter information on the NAME website.
5. Encourage new people to join NAME, via the NAME website.
It is quick and easy for people to join NAME and your chapter online at During the process, they simply have to select your organizing chapter, when they are prompted to select a chapter. (Chapter membership is by self-selection. Some of our members prefer to be members at large)
6. Request a NAME membership list, for your area, from the NAME office, at the email address, above. (Be sure to cc- your regional director in this request.) You are welcome to have a past members list, as well. This is a great opportunity to get past members to re-engage with NAME. Using the area membership list, reach out to current NAME members in your area and invite them select your organizing chapter, as their NAME chapter, by logging in to the members area of the NAME website and selecting your organizing chapter from the chapter list. Your regional director and the NAME national office can work with you on strategies for local outreach. Also, consider reaching out to other successful chapters and asking what strategies worked well for them.
7. Hold an organizing chapter meeting, in person or virtually. During the meeting write your Chapter by-laws and select your Chapter Founding Officers. For guidance you can download NAME Chapter Bylaws Template. You are also welcome to create your own bylaws, as long as they are in compliance with the NAME bylaws. Your Regional Director and the NAME National Office can help with this process.
8. Stay in touch with your Regional Director to track the number of people joining the chapter.
To formally initiate your chapter, you need at least 10 paid members in the NAME database.
NOTE-Please do not just gather 10 names to submit to create your chapter. The chapter member count is based on paid members in the NAME database. Please have members join and select your organizing chapter online.
9. Once the organizing chapter has at least 10 paid members, in the NAME system, submit all of your organizing chapter information to your Regional Director and the NAME Parliamentarian at the the email addresses listed on the NAME website, also include the NAME Executive Director, in the email. The Parliamentarian and NAME Bylaws committee will review the bylaws, your RD and Executive Director will confirm the members in your chapter and prepare your info for the NAME Board.
Be sure to include the following information, when you submit your organizing chapter for vote:
~Chapter name
~Founding chapter officers
~Founding chapter by-laws
10. The NAME Board will be provided with all of your chapter information and will vote to charter your chapter. Once the Board has voted, your NAME Chapter is official!
To assist in the organization of new chapters:
CLICK TO Download NAME's GENERIC Chapter Bylaws Template
For assistance in starting a NAME Chapter, please contact your Regional Director (Identified on the Board of Directors page or on your region's page)
or NAME Executive Director:

CLICK TO Download NAME's GENERIC Chapter Bylaws Template
For assistance in starting a NAME Chapter, please contact your Regional Director (Identified on the Board of Directors page or on your region's page)
or NAME Executive Director: