NAME's Annual International Conference is held each fall - late October to mid-November. The conference moves around the country for greater accessibility to local activists and educators. Local NAME members have been crucial to the success of each conference in providing relevance and participation at each site.
Here is a summary of previous annual NAME conferences over the last 32 years and their host cities.
- 1991 in New Orleans: Toward Education That is Multicultural
- 1992 in Orlando: Multicultural Education for the Twenty-First Century
- 1993 in Los Angeles: Creating Connections: United We Make A Difference
- 1994 in Detroit: Facing the Challenges of Cultural Pluralism & Diversity: A Clarion Call for Unique Opportunities in the 21st Century
- 1995 in Washington, D.C.: Multiculturalism: Our Common Responsibility in Educational Practices and Social Challenges
- 1996 in St. Paul: Revitalizing Democracy through Multicultural Education
- 1997 in Albuquerque: Daring to Educate for Equity & Excellence: A Multicultural and Bilingual Mandate for the 21st Century
- 1998 in St. Louis: Creative Partnerships: Gateway to Embracing Diversity and Multiculturalism
- 1999 in San Diego: Multicultural Education: Crossing Borders for Equity and Justice
- 2000 in Orlando: Real Magic: The Realization of Multicultural Education in the Everyday
- 2001 in Las Vegas: High Stakes: Achievement, Assessment, and Advocacy through Multicultural Education
- 2002 in Washington, D.C.: We the People: Fulfilling the Promise of Democracy and Equity through Multicultural Education
- 2003 in Seattle: From Rhetoric to Reality: Student Achievement in Multicultural Societies
- 2004 in Kansas City: Unmasking the Legacy of the Brown Decisions Through Multicultural Education
- 2005 in Atlanta: Renewing the Dream Through Multicultural Education: Sharing Power, Valuing Culture, and Achieving Social Justice
- 2006 in Phoenix: Honoring Multicultural Communities, Stories and Struggle in a Contested Land
- 2007 in Baltimore: Charting the Course to Academic Excellence and Equity through Multicultural Education
- 2008 in New Orleans: Beyond Celebrating Diversity: ReACTivating the Equity and Social Justice Roots of Multicultural Education
- 2009 in Denver: Mile High Commitment to Change: Reaching New Heights in Equity and Social Justice throughout the Global Community
- 2010 in Las Vegas: Empowering Children & Youth: Equity, Multiculturally Responsive Teaching & Achievement Gaps
- 2011 in Chicago: Reworking Intersections, Reframing Debate, Restoring Hope
- 2012 in Philadelphia: Erasing the Shadows, Embracing the Light: Re/Visioning Multicultural Education
- 2013 in Oakland: Realizing the Power of Movements through Multicultural Education
- 2014 in Tucson: Dismantling Fronteras Through Multicultural Education: Con Comunidad, Cariño y Coraje
- 2015 in New Orleans: Past Achievements, Present Successes, Future Aspirations: 25 Years of NAME
- 2016 in Cleveland-- NAME: The Multicultural Lens of Equity for ALL
- 2017 in Salt Lake City: Reimagining Multicultural Education in Changing Times-
- 2018 in Memphis: How Many More Until We Rise Up
- 2019 in Tucson: Decolonizing Minds: Forging A New Future Through Multicultural Education
- 2020 Virtual: Living Multicultural Education: Peace & Justice thru the Ballot Box & Activism
- 2022 Virtual: Multicultural Education: Light in a Troubled World
- 2023 in Montgomery: Revitalize. Rejuvenate & Reinvigorate: Embracing Multicultural Education to Create a More Just, Inclusive & Equitable Tomorrow
- 2024 in Anaheim: Tested through the Tides of Time: Triumphs of Multicultural Education from Yesteryear to our Inevitable Futures.